One of the many challenges homeowners face with pools is the bugging green color. The green color comes about when algae grows and spreads in swimming pools. In a bid to address this challenge, most homeowners turn to sodium Bicarbonate, or as is casually referred to, baking soda. To answer this question, sodium bicarbonate cannot eradicate the green color, but it can help bolster the concentration of pool chemicals like chlorine, which eliminates and stops algae from growing and spreading further. This article talks about how it is used in clearing the green color and prevent its recurrence in the future.
How Baking Soda is used in Clearing Green Pools
You can use baking soda to eliminate green pools by simply adhering to these easy steps and tips:
• Test the Water
The unsightly green color you see in the water is a clear indication that algae is growing in the pool. Since water chemical imbalance allows algae to thrive and multiply, you should start the process by testing for any imbalance in the water. A test kit should come in handy when testing for chemical imbalance since it will give the specific levels of different water chemicals. Testing for chemical imbalance can help you know what chemicals to adjust to combat the problem from recurring in future. During the adjustments, pH should range from 7.2 and 7.8, chlorine should start from 1 to 3 ppm, while alkalinity range should start from 80 to 120 ppm.
• Pool Shocking
Pool shocking simply entails pouring a solution with a very high concentration of chlorine into pool water. Shocking aims to raise the concentration of chlorine above the recommended range. Having bought the pool shock, add the contents as per the user instructions and allow it to cure overnight. The high concentrated chlorine works by digesting algae, thus clearing the green color off the pool.
• Brush the Surfaces
Algae thrives perfectly on pool surfaces since here, the pest can go undetected and undisturbed for long, hence more thriving. This is especially true for concrete pools. Brushing these surfaces helps in agitating the remaining patches of algae. We highly recommend the use of a soft brush to avoid ablating the pool material, which may lead to the untimely wear of the pool. A little more but controlled brushing force is recommended on areas or spots where algae are visible and in large concentrations.
• Run the Pool Systems
Having brushed and agitated the remaining algae patches, you should remove them by running the pool systems simultaneously. As the systems run, the filter traps algae while the circulation stops the pest from recirculating into the pool. For maximum effectiveness in the removal and prevention of growth and further spread of algae, be sure to run the components continuously for 24 hours. Running these two components regularly also helps in disturbing pool water and preventing the further spread of algae.
• Vacuuming and Cleaning
This next step entails draining the pool as a way of preparing it for a thorough cleaning. Start by opening the drain and wait for it to drain completely. With the water drained completely, vacuum the surfaces to remove stubborn algae patches and stains. Set the vacuum in a lower or medium power setting to avoid ablating the pool lining or even the material. Then carefully clean around the pool equipment that may still have dirt, debris and traces of algae. These include the filter, heater, pump and skimmer.
Open the inlet valve and let the pool fill with water and remember to have the systems running. With a completely filled pool, release the drain valve and let the water drain away to rinse the pool. Then finish the process by opening the inlet valve to let the pool fill with fresh clean water, and then balance the chemicals in a bid to stop the pest from growing and spreading further.
To completely eradicate the pest that manifests as a green pool and avoid the recurrence of the menace, setting a reminder in your smartphone can help you follow the cleaning schedule faithfully.
As you may have realized from the above discussion, cleaning your pool with baking soda can sometimes be a daunting process. It involves you taking some days off your schedule, rolling up your sleeves and a lot of bending. This can be somewhat tricky for people that have very busy work schedules. This is where the 5-star services of Artificial Rock Works come in handy.